Friday, December 6, 2013

Exp 8

ASSIGNMENT EXP-1(A): DETERMINATION OF FLASH POINT OF LIQUID founder FLASHPOINT: The second point of a combustible runny is the lowest temperature at which it can form an ignitable miscellanea in air. At this temperature the vapor may cease to brand when the source of fire is removed. The flash point is often utilise as a descriptive characteristic of liquid render, and it is in addition utilise to military service characterize the fire hazards of liquids. puffiness point refers to both flammable liquids and combustible liquids. There argon various standards for defining all(prenominal) term. Liquids with a flash point less(prenominal) than 60.5 °C (140.9 °F) or 37.8 °C ( speed of light.0 °F)depending upon the standard being applyare considered flammable, eon liquids with a flash point preceding(prenominal) those temperatures are considered combustible. FUEL QUALITY: Fuel bore convey the quality of fuel whether it is good to use in either kind of engi ne. The fuel may be not 100% pure. Some pollutants may be mixed up with it. In that case, fuel quality of any type of fuel (solid, bungle or liquid) must(prenominal) be checked. COMBUSTION OF FUEL: The conflagration or the desirous of fuels, is perhaps the most common and obvious pattern of oxidisation and reduction. Combustion is also that process which converts the potential nada of fuels into energizing energy ( heat up and light). is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!
Most fuels (gasoline, diesel motor oil, propane, etc.) are compounds comprised primarily of light speed and hydrogen. These hydrocarbons represent an fine source of potential energy which is released as heat during the! combustion process. A common example is the oxidation of propane, the fuel used for gas ranges: C3H8 + 5 O2 -----> 3 urine + CO2 + rage Fuel combustion, also known as burning at the stake fuel, is the process by which a fuel is consumed in an energy-releasing chemical reaction that released a great address of heat and light. Usually, the fuel that is combusted is a hydrocarbon that reacts with the oxygen in the air. A epoch-making amount of heat energy is required to innovation such(prenominal) a...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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