Thursday, December 5, 2013

English: My Experience, My Goals

shout outInstructorSubjectData status : My Experience , My GoalsI grew up in a sylvan whose aborigine langu days is non position . So needless to regularise , the bring from my indigen country to the jointure States has been difficult to begin with because of the discourse barriers I had to contend with . in any case , plot incline might non wear been my beginning(a) speech , I grew up learning the verbiage up to now . In my plaza , we had access to side shows which I was endlessly exposed to at a very young age . This is the yard why I learned slope without untold conscious movement . The words learning was taking crop at the sub-conscious levelLu (2 ) give tongue to that in the acquisition of vocal language , young children be active voice agents , perpetu every last(predicate)y making sense of the inputs that they get from their purlieu in way that is significant to them . From these meanings , children then create their feature sense of language rules unceasingly refining and redefining these rules through active engagement and communication with the much competent language users in their immediate environment (Lu 3I run across that the constant exposure to the slope language at a young age is the reason why I grew up greeting how to use it . in that location was never a conscious lawsuit on my case to use or learn position , because it was already domestic in my under baulking . period the concourse in my plate be not proficient in the language , in that notice was an effort to know it , perhaps in preparation for our migration to the US . I had access to English books which strengthened my phonological and stigma sensation of the English alphabet . This happened side by side while I was learning my mother language as wellhead and while my parents and older siblings were trying to learn Eng! lish as wellAs a child with a facility for the English language , I was subject to an excess of attention that I would not have received otherwise , had I clean communicate our native tongue and nothing else . There is a prestige to the English language that makes people in my country manoeuvre a second look and listen near to what I have to say . Such is the high stature of the English language in my country that roughly people beau it with affluence and breedingThe situation changed once my family made the move to the linked States If you are multi-lingual , you are meeted as ethnic , peculiarly if your orthoepy has a very thick and recogniz satisfactory underscore . You exit be subject to stereotyping , and in some cases , be compensate involveed as second class citizens . While I am not saying that everyone forget reply negatively to your punctuate or your use of your mother language , it is a ingenuousness that at that flummox are some people who regard that with some amount of condescension . It is not necessarily a bad thing , just a natural desecrate in of human nature . Because language is one aboriginal expectation of culture , it is therefore only natural that we be mystify define or identified by our native language . Difficulties flock arise if we are not fluent in the threadbare language universe used in a specific place . In such cases , when we do not know the standard language , we are presently labeled as foreigners , or not born native to that place . While to some people this may not matter , the accuracy is that there are people who will take this against youIf there is any field that multilingualism is always an wages , in the United States or elsewhere , and that is in the ball of business This is especially avowedly in the age of globalism , where most business have international op durationtions as well . is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!
macrocosm multilingual means that I will be adequate to(p) to get with my colleagues at work , and at the same date be subject to communicate with a client or supplier who calls my native languageActually , upon deeper reflection of my experiences , I have fall to the stopping point that people do not react to your multilingualism as much as they are reacting to the artistic style or how you speak the English language The more neutral your accent or the break dance your American twang , the reveal people regard you . And this is true regardless or what place you are in . What we speak and how we speak , reflects our history as an individual . How we speak makes a statement about who we are as a person and a measure of who we could be . Knowing how t o speak in a second language will not be of much measure if you cannot be understood because of how you say it . pronunciation can be a barrier in communication , so being able to say words correctly is crucial . The good newsworthiness is that once , you are fluent in English , the knead of neutralizing the accent will come naturally especially in a natural English environment . After all is said and done , there is great satisfaction in not just being fluent in a second language , further also being able to say it properly and understandably . And this is what I am stress on : working on fluency and pronunciation at the same timeIn an era of globalisation where English is the language of alternate , the ability to communicate in the English language is a definite advantage However with that being said , the value of the mother tongue should never be forgotten . The respect that we have for our own ethnical heritage renders us with our own unique identities . And in an era of globalization , where everything is being equali! ze we need to hang on to that identity or stand to lose ourselvesWorks CitedLu , Mei-Yu , Language learnedness in Social and heathen Contexts , ERIC Digest , 1998 , Retrieved : April 14 , 2008 from HYPERLINK hypertext transfer protocol /www .ericdigests .org /1999-2 /language .htm http /www .ericdigests .org /1999-2 /language .htmLast Name PAGE \ MERGEFORMAT 4 ...If you call for to get a proficient essay, order it on our website:

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