Thursday, December 26, 2019
Understand Diversity, Equality and Inclusions in own area...
1. Understand Diversity, Equality and Inclusions in own area of Responsibility 1.1 Explain Models of practices that underpin equality, and diversity and inclusions in own area of responsibility. In looking at this model I have found that many people have views that based on discrimination and prejudice they are embedded in today’s society, the attitudes and the surrounding environment often focuses on what a person lacks in terms of disability and focuses on condition or illness or a person’s lack of ability. To combat this prejudice within making space we use person centred care planning it is my responsibility to promote the use of this and to ensure that the support workers who deliver it are fully trained to do so. It is also†¦show more content†¦Personal barriers where support staff may hold individual prejudices that influence their practice, these actions may be conscious, but can often be unconscious or unwitting inflicted on an individual. Attitudinal barriers are not as easy to identify as physical barriers may be but they can feel every bit as real to those who are exposed to them. Causing low self esteem low confidence, depression ect. Physical barriers in a built up environment could be not having access into buildings, narrow doorways, or the absence of lifts and accessible toilets. When any of the above occurs individuals may feel oppressed, helpless and disempowered, low self-esteem, withdrawn and depressed. 1.3 Analyse the impact of legislation and policy initiatives on the promotion of equality, diversity and inclusion in own area of responsibility There are many Legislations, Codes of practice (Some of which are listed below) and also my workplace policies which regulate equality diversity and inclusion within my area of responsibility.The equality and diversity act is the most significant piece of legislation to be introduced for a long time. And has recently be modified it states that all people male or female people from different races, disabled people, people of different ages, gay lesbian, straight and bisexual people or transsexual people. People from different religions or different beliefs, pregnant women,Show MoreRelatedunderstand diversity, equality and inclusion in own are of responsibility1243 Words  | 5 Pagesï » ¿CU2943 1.1 Explain models of practice that underpin equality, diversity and inclusion in own area of responsibility. Equality is to treat all as individuals; to respect race, disability, age, gender, religion, beliefs, culture and sexual orientation. For all to be open to opportunities, to be treated fairly and respectfully, have rights and equal status in society and for all to reach their full potential. Diversity is to value that we are all unique and yet similar. We have different needsRead MoreUnit 503 Essay667 Words  | 3 Pagespractice that underpin equality, diversity and inclusion in own area of responsibility The client groups at my current place of work are adults with autism, learning disabilities and some of the residents have a dual diagnosis of mental health issues as well. Both the social and medical model has an impact on their daily life. The home empowers the residents and enables them to lead a normal positive life where possible. We do this by providing and engaging them in their own individualized care plansRead MoreDiversity: Discrimination and Service Users1535 Words  | 7 Pages2 Be able to champion diversity, equality and inclusion 2.1 Promote equality, diversity and inclusion in policy and practice It is your role and responsibility to ensure that all staff promote equality, diversity and inclusion, whether dealing with service users directly or indirectly. This can be done in the following ways: Dignity and respect – respect individual’s need for privacy and dignity in the way that service is provided and the way that information is handled. Treat service usersRead MoreLevel 3 Diploma998 Words  | 4 Pagesrelationships in the future * Care system; social ties education, relationships, crime, development 1.2. Explain the importance of poverty on outcomes and life chances for children Effects of poverty; * Development * Social inclusion * Awareness * Understanding * Health * Crime Poverty can have a negative effect on a child; the health needs may not be met. Poor diet, unable to afford specialised services and treatments. By being in poverty it could affectRead MoreTDA 3.61678 Words  | 7 PagesUnit 306 Promote equality, diversity and inclusion in work with children and young people Outcome 1 Promote equality and diversity in work with children and young people 1.1 Identify the current legislation and codes of practice relevant to the promotion of equality and valuing of diversity The education act is based towards the school responsibilities towards children with special educational needs. It means schools must provide resources, equipment and extra support to meet the needsRead MoreExplain Models Of Practice That Underpin Equality2059 Words  | 9 PagesUnit 503 1.1 Explain models of practice that underpin equality, diversity and inclusion in own area of responsibility. Although sometimes used interchangeably, the terms ‘equality’ and ‘diversity’ are not the same. Equality can be defined as ‘the state of being equal, especially in status, rights, or opportunities’ Equality is about ‘creating a fairer society, where everyone can participate and has the opportunity to fulfil their potential’ (DoH, 2004). By eliminating prejudice and discriminationRead MoreLevel 5 Health and Social Care 503 Essay1458 Words  | 6 PagesUNIT 503 Learning outcome Understand diversity, equality and inclusion in own area of responsibility 1.1.1 There are two models that link with equality, diversity and inclusion, the first one is the social model of disability which views discrimination and prejudice as being embedded in today’s society, their attitude’s and their surrounding environment. The social model focuses on who the adult is as person not what their disability or diagnosis is, the focus is on how to improve and empowerRead MoreEquality Diversity Inclusion1538 Words  | 7 Pages1.1 Explain what is meant by. Equality Equality is treating people fairly and making sure that everyone is given a fair chance and that their individual needs are met. It’s about giving all sections of the community equal access to employment, education and other services that are provided whilst valuing and respecting them. Recognising that different sections of the community require specific measures to make sure they receive equality. Recognising how and why some groups are underrepresentedRead MoreLegislation Table HBCA Unit 1 Task 1 SA 2 Essay694 Words  | 3 Pages Using the information within the learning materials make a list here of current legislation Criteria 1.2 From your list of legislation for criteria 1.1 please now consider the areas of: Health and Safety Safeguarding, welfare and protection of children Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Using the table template list 2 or 3 examples of legislation specific to each of the 3 headings and a brief summary what each piece of legislation will mean in your work as a home based childcarerRead MorePTLLS Overview1077 Words  | 5 PagesRoles and responsibilities and relationships in lifelong learning 4 3 12 Learning outcomes: The learner will Assessment Criteria: The learner can 1. Understand own role and responsibilities in lifelong learning 1.1 Summarise key aspects of legislation, regulatory requirements and codes of practice relating to own role and responsibilities 1.2 Analyse own responsibilities for promoting equality and valuing diversity 1.3 Evaluate own role and responsibilities in lifelong learning 1.4 Review own role and
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
The Ethical Standards Of Corporate Social Responsibility
Introduction In 2013, the American Insurance Company AIG, American International Group was ranked the worst company in corporate social responsibility for the fifth consecutive year (Orwell, 2014). Known for its exorbitant executive salaries, â€Å"golden parachutes†, and lavish management perks during the infamous financial bailouts of 2009, AIG still struggles to regain consumer confidence (Orwell, 2014). Multiple corporations grapple with how to meet the ethical standards of corporate social responsibility in today’s global economy. Becoming a triple bottom line company would help a business meet its ethical obligations and demonstrate its sustainability progress to stakeholders. Employing utilitarian theory of ethics to exam triple bottom†¦show more content†¦The legal responsibility of an organization is to abide by all laws and regulations. The expectation is for the business to follow and obey not only the explicit version of the law but its intended pur pose. The corporation’s ethical responsibility is to conduct business and act in accordance with ethical and moral values even when not required by law. The philanthropic responsibility refers to an organization’s obligation to contribute to the betterment of society through its â€Å"generosity towards the community†where it resides (Metivier Matteson, 2015). Triple Bottom Line The triple bottom line (TBL) is a theory of corporate social responsibility and accounting framework that focuses on a corporation’s long-term sustainability in three different areas. It proposes that the ultimate success of a corporation depends not only on how well it performs financial but also socially and environmentally (Norman MacDonald, 2004). The TBL concept requires the performance in each area of sustainability be measured independently (Metivier Matteson, 2015). The triple bottom line has been commonly referred to as the three Ps for profits, people, and planet (Slaper Hall, 2011). Similarly to CSR, the economic sustainability measure of TBL evaluates the profitability of a business. Measured primarily in dollars, the economic sustainability assesses the variables related to the bottom line (Slaper Hall, 2011). The social
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Hunters Gatherers Essay Example For Students
Hunters Gatherers Essay Anthropology 1010: Assignment 1The Asmat, Headhunters, people are located in New Guinea’s West Iran. These people actually cut off people heads and eat their brains and wear their jaws as a necklace. People’s brains are not their main source of food. The major food of these people is the starch of the sago palm that they roast. The sago palm is found deep into the swamps. You take an ax and split the palm in to two pieces. The food inside is called sago grub. The sago grub is soft white larva of the Capricorn beetle. They put it on a stick and roast it in the fire. The Asmat villages are always located by water and the houses are raised on poles above the mud. When high tide comes, so does the seafood, such as shellfish. When high tide leaves the seafood stays and they grub on that. Other forms of food are lizards, pigs, and cassowaries, which are wild flightless birds that are almost as big as ostriches. Neighboring villages get together and have a ritual where they literally adopt others from the neighboring tribes. The adults pretend to be children and suckle to their newly acquired mom. The adults also teach the children their roles and responsibilities. The boys learn their roles as hunters and the women learn their roles as fisherman. Women also gather most of the food and do the cooking, while the men stand by and watch and protect the women. Some men even stay at home and just talk. The women really seemed to be the bosses and called all of the shots. The men may be headhunters, but it is the women that have most of the responsibility and ultimately the power. BibliographyRecourse:Kirk Malcolm S â€Å"Headhunters in Today’s World†National Geographic, Jan-June 1972 pgs.389-408. Anthropology
Monday, December 2, 2019
teen pregnancy Essays (645 words) - Midwifery, Teenage Pregnancy
The Prevention Of Teenage Pregnancy Approximately every two minutes, a teenage girl in the United States gives birth (Guernsey 6). While this fact may be sad and startling to most people, it is in deed the truth. Over the past few decades, the problem of teen pregnancy has grown considerably in this country. It has been receiving a great deal of public and official attention recently, including expressions of concern from President Clinton and New Jersey?s Governor Whitman (Schurmann 7). However, the most extensive dilemma regarding the issue of adolescent pregnancy is the incredibly important question of prevention. Preventing teen pregnancy includes such problems as the availability of birth control, sexual education among children and adolescents, and a greater sense of support for pregnant teens. However, before society can begin to successfully prevent pregnancies among teenage girls, the underlying causes and facts about the dilemma must first be exposed. While eighty-five percent of the teenage girls who become pregnant every year do not plan their pregnancies, an alarming fifteen percent of these pregnancies are in fact intentional (Bell 107). Some girls are under the false pretenses that having a baby will provide them with a certain amount of love that is currently missing in their lives. Many also believe that with this new life they have helped create will come a renewed sense of hope (107). These incentives reflect emotional problems that will not be solved by becoming pregnant, but will only get worse. In addition, a considerable amount of girls become pregnant as a secret plan to hold on to their boyfriends (Guernsey 37). They assume that by giving birth to their boyfriends? babies, he will stick around longer and the relationship will improve as a result. However, the reality is that if a relationship is not strong enough to survive on its own, the presence of a baby will simply make it much more difficult. There are several myths surrounding teen and adolescent pregnancy. Some of these myths are misunderstandings that many teenagers have, regarding sexual activity and pregnancy. A common deception among teens is that it is impossible to impregnate someone, or become pregnant the first time they have sex. Not only is this extremely false, it just so happens that approximately one out of twenty girls becomes pregnant the first time she has sex, and as many as ninety percent of all pregnancies occur within the first year of sexual activity (Guernsey 19-20). Another common myth among teenagers is that you cannot get pregnant if you have intercourse while standing up and that pregnancy cannot occur unless the girl is over sixteen years old (Jakobson 32). There are also myths that the adult world perpetuates regarding teens and teen pregnancy. Some of the more common ones are that most pregnant teens are ?bad girls?, and that many teens who have children together wind up getting married to one another. The reality is that teen and adolescent pregnancy is an issue that concerns and involves all types of girls from all races and incomes (?Preventing? 3). Regarding the marriage of teen parents, only ten percent of teen parents marry, and the majority of the time the marriages do not work out. Before the problem of teen pregnancy is attacked, it is important for both teens and adults to have a better understanding of exactly what the issues are, and to acknowledge the extreme differences between the lies and the facts. A common misconception about the prevention of teen pregnancy is that the increase of contraception availability will result in an increase of pregnancies. Forty-five percent of people interviewed said that they believed that if schools were to begin dispensing birth control products, ?it [would] make teenagers more likely to engage in sexual activities? (Newsweek 56). This ties in very closely with the ever-growing debate of legal abortions.
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Matagari and Decolonization Essays
Matagari and Decolonization Essays Matagari and Decolonization Paper Matagari and Decolonization Paper â€Å"There are two worlds. There is the world of those who accept things as they are, and there is that of those who want to change things. Which world do you belong to? †(p. 76) Throughout Ngugi wa Thiong’o†s novel, Matigari, the main character proves himself to be a strong, intelligent, peaceful man who appears to have his head on straight and sees the state of the world in the precisely right shade. From page one he allows the reader to gain his trust and from then on you find yourself cringing at the â€Å"upside-down†world Matigari is trying to navigate his way through. The main purpose of this paper is to show that decolonization does not only mean the transfer of power to an independent homeland, as it will not be successful. But rather, it must also encompass the freedom of the nation’s spirit and the personal culture of all its citizens. Matigari ma Njiruungi is a radicalist. The two-day journey that takes place during the course of the novel is an adventure that Matigari embarks upon to try to regain what is rightfully his. This can be a metaphor of sorts in saying that Matigari is really trying to turn the corrupted world of imperialism back on it’s feet, back into something that makes sense. By definition, imperialism is the â€Å"policy, practice, or advocacy of extending the power and dominion of a nation by direct territorial acquisitions or by gaining indirect control over the political or economic life of other areas. †Matigari had spent his life, or at least all that he can remember about it, under somebody else’s rule. First being Settler Williams and then the entire opposing government. His story is not unlike that of Kenyan citizens during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The colonial period of Kenya was exhibited by social pressures and intense oppression. The English rulers restricted the voice of the Kenyans and took away their rights of political participation and alike. These imperialistic policies of England triggered a mounting resentment amongst the Kenyans and created many rebellions and protests, just as Matigari had. It’s a known fact that Matigari, the novel, was actually banned from circulation in Kenya soon after its publication. The Kenyan government believed that the story’s character was a real-life revolutionary plotting to overthrow the government. This was obviously not the case, however it just goes to show how unstable the dictatorial government of Kenya was at the time and how this insecure method of rule could actually be the cause of all the backwards, unfair happenings in the world at this time. The underlying motive of this novel involves Matigari gaining his land back. The land and the property that he created with his own bare hands. This metaphor is comparable to the messy decolonization of Kenya in multiple aspects. When under colonial rule the land of Kenya was owned and operated by the white settlers, and native Africans only occupied minimal measures of desolate land, while majority had no land at all. Therefore, land was a huge economical problem during the colonial history of Kenya. After World War II, as the decolonization movement swept across the world, Kenya started its journey toward independence. The political struggle among white settlers, African natives and the colonial government worsened but eventually, division of agricultural land and ownership was settled through bargain. Matigari spends much of the narrative on a quest to find â€Å"truth and justice†but everywhere he goes, and everyone he runs into gives him some piece of advice that leads him back to himself. I believe that this is Ngugi’s way of explaining that native citizens under colonial rule, or under any type of oppression for that matter, have the power to change things themselves. Matigari didn’t know it at the time, but it was his mission, his struggle, that will lead his fictional community to freedom. It was his personal belief and willpower that will lead Muriuki to victory in a life free of imposed and forced practices. Remember that a country’s welfare and stability are dependent on three kinds of people: the wealthy, the soldiers, and the leaders that’s all we need. †(p. 97) This quote, from the minister, farther proves my point that colonial ruled countries tended to not see the big picture as far as their citizens were concerned. A succe ssful, peaceful place would not exist under these types of biases, which is exactly why decolonization took place all around the world. Precisely like Matigari, citizens would no longer stand quietly under unfair conditions. It dawned on him that one could not defeat the enemy with arms alone, but one could also not defeat the enemy with words alone. One had to have the right words; but these words had to be strengthened by the force of arms†(pg. 111). Matigari, although fictional, does a great job of taking its readers through the struggle of an oppressed citizen under colonial rule. It’s an uplifting story that allows the reader to feel capable and able to do our own part to help rid the world of all its upside-down harshness.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Why Not Have Physician Assisted Suicide essays
Why Not Have Physician Assisted Suicide essays Why Not Have Physician Assisted Suicide? During the course of the past 20 years, many people are starting to here more and more situations about people participating in physician-assisted suicide. The fact of the matter is that people are starting to believe that they have the right to control their own life and death decisions. After you begin to think about physician-assisted suicide, and bring in all the facts, it becomes clear that it should be allowed in our society if it is used properly. Many people question the pure definition of physician-assisted suicide. According to the University of Washington School of Medicine, "physician-assisted suicide refers to the physician providing the means for death, most often with a prescription, in which the patient administers the medication" (Ethics in Medicine). As of 1997 the State of Oregon was the only state that utilize legalized physician-assisted suicide. Some people argue whether this practice is ethical to use today in our society. One strong reason why this should be done is because it is a good choice for people who are suffering unbearably. At times many physicians believe that it is their duty to relieve these people of their problems. One of the most famous arguments in favor of physician -assisted suicide is the story by Timothy Quill, and his patient "Diane". Diane was a woman who was diagnosed with leukemia; from the beginning she refused the aggressive treatment. "She then requested a prescription of barbiturates that could be used to end her life if she determined that her suffering had become unbearable" (Annals of Internal Medicine). Diane was enrolled in a hospice program, many months passed but she began to feel a lot of pain, and fatigue. She used the barbiturates that her doctor gave her and ended her life. This was a very good case in favor of the practice because this woman was in serious pain, and the best solution was to end her life. ...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Homework Wk 3 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Homework Wk 3 - Assignment Example a. US Treasury Bills – Although it is the most liquid short-term security it is considered as risk-free investment. This could lead to potential disadvantage for corporations’ cash management because the yields of these securities are nominal that may not be sufficient for current cash requirements. b. Ordinary Preferred Stock – It allows a company to raise capital without diluting voting rights where the investor is eligible to receive regular dividends. This is in contrast to the nature of pure equity where investor shares risk of firm. This would require regular cash outflow by the firm. c. NCDs – They allow the companies to raise capital from investors by promising returns at specified rate of interest on deposit. NCDs also allow the investor to trade security in stock markets so that investor may exit the option before maturity. But when the corporation is not able to earn regular cash as a result of which its weighted average cost of capital exceeds interest earned then NCDs may become a burden for the corporate. d. Commercial Papers – They are issued by corporations having good credit ratings and market reputation allowing them to raise capital from investors directly without any intermediary (like banks). This reduces the cost of borrowing but requires company to repay investor at own expense. From given information if the cost of carrying per phone is $26 per year and fixed order cost is $340 then carrying cost per phone is approximately 13.08 (that is, 340/26) and total carrying cost for 740 phones is approximately $9676.92 (that is, 13.08 x 740). From the above calculations it is clear that the company should increase order size as the storage cost is cheaper than cost of carry. Also, the optimal inventory policy would require the company to produce 38 phones [since, √ [2 x 740 x (340/26)] = 38.04]. JIT inventory management system allows manufacturer to eliminate
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Crossing Borders of the United States Term Paper
Crossing Borders of the United States - Term Paper Example Not only has the population increase, but the immigration also influenced the nation culturally, socially, and politically. The Latinos’ population growth is higher than the population growth in the blacks. That is why the Spanish language has spread all over the country. There are The Spanish language has spread nationwide, and it is the accepted language in the workplace. There are also various Asian languages spoken all over the country. There are also many bilingual and multilingual schools have been established nationwide (Wilkinson 1). 2.A. Interests and Incentives for Immigration Men move from one country to another for various complex reasons. Some of them are forced to move out of their home country due to some serious disagreement or prejudices, while the others willingly move abroad. Whatever be the reasons, the immigrants face various social, cultural and other difficulties in the new nation. Most of the migrants courageously face these difficulties mainly to recov er their present economic status, as about all of them likely to move to the more developed nations for better earnings. After globalization, the movement of the labor force has been increased. 2.B. Social status and working condition of the immigrants in the receiver countries Henry in her paper explores that immigrants in the United Nations is socially accepted depending on the international position of their home country. She cited examples that the immigrants from the Northwest European countries are always socially accepted with high status. After globalization, people from Japan are also getting high social status in the country. The social status of China is day by day growing after 1990s due to its economic and armed forces’ strength. Immigrants from the African countries are always been treated with lowest status (Henry, 1). Orrenius and Zavodny in their paper indicates that the immigrants work in more risky jobs in their workplaces that their native counterparts. Th ey found that the immigrants take on more risky ventures in more dangerous industries.Â
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Personal Conflict Essay Example for Free
Personal Conflict Essay It was on January 2006 when I first set my feet in USA, a day I will live to remember. I was eighteen years old then and had just graduated from high school. I was the best student in my previous school so I got a scholarship to further my studies. Since childhood ,I was fascinated by people especially their cultures, religions and other aspects of their lives but what really amazed me was the way they communicated and the different languages that they used. My life had revolved around one language that was Arabic and therefore when this chance came I was very excited and without second thoughts took the opportunity to study English as my second language. I chose English because it was an international language and I knew it would help me communicate with many people from different parts of the World. More so, it was to be of great assistance to me especially in my stay in the USA. When this day came, I was amidst mixtures of feelings. Even though I was very excited, terror and confusion took the better part of me. The thought of leaving my parents and my younger siblings really terrified me and all of a sudden, I felt lonely. Earlier on after waking up, prayers had been arranged for me and all people wished me a safe journey to America. I was escorted by my friends and family members to the airport where they bid me farewell. This was my first time to travel from my home country and the first to travel in an airplane. While in the plane many thoughts crossed my mind. I thought about the people I would meet and wondered how they would receive me. I also thought about the college I would be enrolled to and my classmates to be . I wondered if there were people from my home place, how many will they be and above all how I would communicate since I was not familiar with English by then. I was in this state when suddenly an air hostess brought me some snacks . Tasty as they looked, I never took a bite. What I could not understand about the air hostess was that she appeared composed and friendly and completely unaware of my predicament. She was young, energetic and cheerful and nothing seemed to trouble her. Contrary, I was deep in confusion and uncertainty . I lost my appetite something which seldom happens to me. In fact , I rarely choose food and anything edible is good to me provided it is not harmful . More so, being the first time to travel by plane I was really uncomfortable and the experience was horrifying. At one time a thought of the aeroplane crushing crossed my mind and it really got me scared. Sleep never crossed my eyes during the whole journey and it took exactly fourteen hours to reach my destination. I arrived at the JFK airport in New York at around 10 pm . The night was chilly and many people wore heavy clothing to keep their bodies warm . I had carried a light jacket which I wore to protect myself from the cold . The environment was new and everything about this place seemed new to me. I was really getting more and more confused and thought it was even better when I was in the plane. My light jacket did not seem to be of much help to me because the cold weather was getting the better of me. Though out of place, a thought crossed my mind. I wondered of how it used to be unusually hot at home and how I had adapted to that kind of climate. I wondered how long would it take for me to get used to this new environment. I do not know exactly how long I had been standing there but what I recall is that I found myself all alone, confused, scared and lost and attracting some policemen. I felt out of place and the way they were looking at me was scaring. Did they see me as a terrorist or something? I never got to answer that question because one of them came directly to where I was and asked whether I was Mr. Mohammed. Though at first I could not understand what he was driving at, the mention of my name made me realize he was out to find me. Upon receiving my answer, he took my passport and asked me to follow him. They took me to one isolated room where they begun interrogating me. Little did they know that I could not understand whatever they were talking about. From their faces I could tell they were suspicious of something. One police officer who was taller than the rest and had a pointed nose with glaring eyes called the others and got outside of the room. I heard them whispering but could not tell what they were discussing. I do not know exactly what transpired but the moment they came in I sensed danger. I was forced to take off my clothes which apart from being humiliating experience it really made me nervous. They might have thought that I had some atomic bomb with me. What made me extremely terrified was the way they were pointing guns at me. For a moment I thought I was going to die. Here I was, people back at home hoping the best for me but not having a clue of the deadly situation I was in at that particular time. The thought of my mum losing me, made me collapse and when I came back to my senses, I was bed ridded in a hospital. At the hospital I got acquinted to the nurse who was taking care of me . She was a very caring and pleasant lady. She did not like it when I told her (she understood me inspite the language barrier) how the policemen had treated me . She failed to understand how people sometimes could be so inhumane. It was from her that I learnt of how I ended up in an hospital and she also told me that our embassy had been contacted. All this she claimed was through the concerted effort of the management of the hospital . Through her kindness and assurance that all will be well, I was beginning to have hope that things would be better for me. I failed to understand how things could contradict themselves. It was simply not easy to relate the caring and treatment I received from the hospital with the ‘reception’ I received from the policemen. I had been at the hospital overnight and I got discharged at around 10 am in the morning. This happened when the Saudi Arabian embassy sent one of its agents to intervene . All was set right and I could not believe it when one policeman was sent to apologize on the behalf of the others and he even offered us a ride to a hotel. The ride was short but I did not fail to notice how the roads were smooth and carefully constructed. If it were home the journey would have taken a little bit longer because most of them need to be tarmacked and they are dusty. When I arrived at the hotel, I took a bathe, had lunch and then slept after 28 good hours of unrest. I woke up at around 10 pm and realized I was all alone, the agent from the Saudi Arabian embassy had promised to drop by the following morning to pick me up. He had informed me that he would take me to his house and where I would be staying for awhile while we sort matters out. I could not get sleep that night. All my thoughts directed to the kind of life I was to lead in the USA. Foremost, being an Arab and a Muslim I wondered where mosques could be found and whether I would learn to communicate in English. Also I thought about the encounter with the policemen and realized the matter had been made complex due to ineffective communications. All these and other thoughts ran across my mind through out the night. In spite uncertainty facing me, I kept on hoping believing and having faith that everything will turn out right for me and I would enjoy my stay in the USA and eventually make it my home. It has been three years now since I arrived in the USA. A lot of things have changed mostly with me trying to catch up with the American way of life. I have made new friends from different backgrounds and we assist each other in times of troubles. Even though I am different in my culture, religion and way of thinking, I get along with others through their support and understanding.
Friday, November 15, 2019
Lost at Sea Essay -- Personal Narrative Rescue Essays
Lost at Sea The breeze from the Indian Ocean moved across my skin like freshly ironed silk as I stood on the fantail of the aircraft carrier looking up at the night sky. It is an impressive sight to look upon the fires of those uncountable stars. If you were to take the grandest starlit sky that you could imagine, then imagine it after God has thrown another bucket of stars across the dark. That is like the night sky at sea can be. Flight operations had secured several hours earlier, and I used the opportunity to escape from the steel interior of the ship. I tried to get some fresh air at least once a day to deliver my senses from the smells of jet fuel and sweat that pervaded my world. Days are long when the ship is underway. The fifteen or twenty minutes of fresh air I could get in the evenings rejuvenated me. There is no deeper dark than the dark at sea. The stars are bright in the sky, but they don't lower themselves to light the deck of the ship. Warships practice light security and no white light is allowed to breach the weather decks. White light travels for miles at sea. The only light on deck is what meager light your retinas can collect from the moon and stars. There seemed to be no moon in the sky on this night. I could barely make out the vague shapes of the aircraft parked around the flight deck. I stood there for some time letting the stars persuade me that my home wasn't really all that far away, when I sensed someone's presence. Half way through a turn toward the feeling, my arms were grasped and I was being pushed toward the catwalk. I remember calling out, trying to figure out what was going on, when I heard a gruff voice say, "This just ain't your night swabby, you're going for a swim with the... small drinks of cold fresh water. I grabbed for the canteen, but didn't have the strength to take it. "It's a lucky thing we spotted you, shipmate." another voice said to me. I was lifted into a stokes type stretcher and a blurry face appeared before me "They've got the two dudes that tossed you in custody. It seems like it was a case of mistaken identity. They thought they were tossing someone else over." He laughed a quick short "Ha!" and looked at me like I was the hero, and not him. I would have cried if there had been any water in me to spare. The chopper followed the octopus wearing my boots and landed on the deck I had left four days earlier. I felt the stretcher being offloaded, bouncing me toward sickbay. I looked at the sea one last time with burnt red eyes before they brought me into the interior of the ship and I said to it, "I beat you!"
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Why Marijuana Should Be Decriminalized
Connor Biro – 2577567 English 102 Price 4/5/13 Why Marijuana Should Be Decriminalized in the U. S. â€Å"Marijuana, in its natural form, is one of the most therapeutically active substances known to man†(qtd. in Rosenthal and Kubby 49). The DEA’s Administrative Law Judge, Francis L. Young, stated this in the matter of Marijuana Medical Rescheduling Petition, in 1988 when attempting to list marijuana as a Schedule II drug (Keene 93). Marijuana, or â€Å"weed,†is made from the leaves and flowers of the hemp plant cannabis sativa.In 1937, cannabis was made illegal with the passage of the Marijuana Tax Act. Since it was criminalized, billions of dollars have been spent in marijuana –related incarcerations. Marijuana consumption should be decriminalized in the United States for both medical and recreational use because it could prove medically, economically, and socially beneficial for the nation. The first reason marijuana should decriminalized in the United States is for its medicinal value. Marijuana can be used to treat an assortment of diseases and disorders, and also helps in pain relief.Patients suffering from glaucoma, an ocular disease where the eye is subject to increased pressure that damages the optic nerve, eventually leading to blindness, can be treated with marijuana to help reduce the pressure on the eye (Keene 92). For individuals suffering from epilepsy, a brain disorder in which an individual may has repeated seizures over time, marijuana can potentially prevent seizures at a very affordable price (Rosenthal and Kubby 50). Marijuana also helps relieve the side effects of chemotherapy, which include loss of appetite and nausea (Keene 91).Finally, marijuana helps individuals suffering from chronic pain caused by diseases such as fibromyalgia, arthritis, and cancer (Rosenthal and Kubby 50). Although, it appears that marijuana should be available at every pharmacy, behind every counter, after reading about its medi cinal properties, it is not. The second reason marijuana should be decriminalized in the U. S. is because it can improve our nation economically. So far marijuana has been legalized in 14 states, for medical use only. If marijuana were to be legalized more jobs would be reated, more money would be made in advertising businesses, and a significant amount of tax revenue made (Bradford). By comparing the taxes of liquor and cigarettes, it is concluded that the government could make about seven billion dollars a year in revenue just from state licenses, taxes and fees (Rosenthal and Kubby 26). Marijuana does not only provide medical uses, but industrial uses as well. Hemp, the nonpsychoactive sister of marijuana, is a very unique plant that has many useful qualities. Hemp has the longest fiber in the plant kingdom and is also known for its very strong and durable characteristics (Rosenthal and Kubby 28).The industrial applications that hemp can be used for include insulation, textiles, clothing, paper and most importantly, rope (Rosenthal and Kubby 28). In ancient China (around 8000 or 7000 B. C. ), archaeologists have found proof that hemp was a main crop for thousands of years, originally used as fabric, then eventually the Chinese found other uses like using the hemp fibers for rope and paper, and even mixing it with other grains as a food source (Keene 29). If marijuana were to be legalized, the manufacturers could export products such as the ones previously mentioned.As long as marijuana remains an illegal import, there is no way for the government to regulate its sale as well (Rosenthal and Kubby 75). The final reason marijuana should be decriminalized in the U. S. is because it can prove to be socially beneficial to the nation. Marijuana is listed as a Schedule I drug, along with heroin, LSD, and PCP, meaning the government believes it has a high potential for abuse, there is no current medical use in treatment in the U. S. , and that there is no acceptable use even under medical supervision (Rosenthal and Kubby).Millions of arrests and thousands of people are thrown in jail for marijuana charges, ranging from minor offenses, such as paraphernalia, to major offenses like illegally importing marijuana into the U. S. Police officers shouldn’t be wasting their time arresting youths with minor offenses like marijuana possession. If marijuana was decriminalized, teenagers arrested with minor charges related to marijuana would not have their lives ruined with marijuana-related crimes on their record (Rosenthal and Kubby 81-82). Another reason the nation’s society would be improved is by removing the young adults from the marijuana business.These young entrepreneurs succumb to the fast, easy money involved in dealing marijuana and ruin their chances of having a bright future. Marijuana should be decriminalized so the nation can benefit medically, socially, and economically. Legalizing marijuana just seems like the most logical thing to do, especially when the nation’s government is in such a tremendous amount of debt. It is presently legal to own and smoke small amounts of marijuana in Colorado and Washington. Over 65 million Americans use marijuana either occasionally or regularly (Rosenthal and Kubby IX).So why waste millions of dollars on the criminalization of marijuana charges, and lose the opportunity to make money off of this highly used plant? Citations Keene, Ann. Marijuana: It’s Effect on Mind & Body. New York: Chelsea House Publishers,1992. Print. Rosenthal, Ed, and Steve Kubby. Why Marijuana Should Be Legal. New York City: Thunder’sMouth Press. 2003. Print. Bradford, Harry. â€Å"14 Ways Marijuana Legalization Could Boost The Economy. †The HuffingtonPost. TheHufiingtonPost. com, Inc. 7 November, 2012. Web. 1 April. â€Å"Should Marijuana Be a Medical Option? †Medical Marijuana. ProCon. org, Inc. 6 May, 2009. qWeb. 28 March.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Obesity: Logic and Marion Nestle
â€Å"Obesity: Who is Responsible for Our Weight? †In the essay, â€Å"Obesity: Who Is Responsible for Our Weight? †Radley Balko explains his argument on obesity; we are responsible for what we eat. Overall, the strengths were clear and persuading in this essay. One strength in his essay was his main point, we are responsible for our own weight. He explains that we are in control of what we consume, and the government should not be responsible for that. This engages the reader to think, should we really blame the government, or is ourselves to blame. This main point validates all his reasoning.Another strength is his ability to explain why government intervention is irrelevant to obesity. For example, he mentions that Oakland Mayor Jerry Brown is conducting to have a Fat Tax on high calorie food, where food restaurants must list their fat, calories, etc. on each meal. And instead they should be promoting personal-sense awareness. Overall this essay had more weaknesses than strengths. Though his side of the argument is completely true, his reasoning weren’t clearly detailed. For example, Radley Balko only targeted the government’s intervention on obesity.But what should have followed that is the food industry businesses that allow this, not just the government. Not only did he lack detail, but also he didn’t consider the point of genetics. Some Americans do not become obese by choice, but by genetics. Those who are affected by genetics may be very conscience of what they eat, but it still does no justice because of their genes. This weakened his essay. Another weakness is that he focuses too much on the government’s intervention on obesity; instead he should have listed more reasons to why obesity is a personal problem.Taken as a whole, the essay was very short, and took a while to get to the point. â€Å"Are You Responsible for Your Own Weight? †I found this to be a very strong, interesting argumentative essay by Kelly Brownell and Marion Nestle. One strength relates to the fulfillment on attention grabbing in their opening sentence. Brownell and Nestle reminds us that the food industry is like any other business: they must grow. This makes a valid point, and grabs the readers attentions which leads to wanting to read more.Mentioning the counter-argument that obesity is a personal responsibility is also a strength. This tells the reader that she is understanding to the opposing argument, while making hers very clear. Another strength is the fact that gives several examples why personal responsibility isn’t to blame which includes; obesity is growing year after year, it’s human biology for humans to be attracted to good food with high calories, the default approach of promotion of eating better and exercising more has failed for multiple years, and how personal responsibility is a trap.Not only did they have multiple examples, they had clear reasoning for each example, which proves they thought out their argument on obesity. Although this was a very strong, convincing essay, there were a couple of weaknesses. The first weakness is the unawareness of government’s real role in business. In America, our policy towards business relies strictly on the concept of Laissez Faire. Laissez Faire means allowing industry to be free from state intervention, especially restrictions in the form of tariffs and government monopolies.This is a very known concept to many Americans, and this weakens her argument. Another weakness is Brownell and Nestle mentioning they’re attentive to personal responsibility, but didn’t clearly give any reasoning to that. Overall, they essay was very well structured and barely had any weaknesses. The essay â€Å"Are You Responsible for Your Own Weight? †gives a more persuading argument. First of all this essay was clearly structured, which made it easier to read. The first essay was not as easy to read, and not as structured.Brownell and Nestle listed their reasoning, which made their points clear reassuring no confusion. Where as to Balko, there were barely any explained points in his essay, which made it hard to follow. Also, Brownell and Nestle are much more persuasive. They provided clear explained examples of why we are not the only ones responsible for obesity while Balko had little to none examples of why we are responsible. Altogether, Marion Nestle and Kelly Brownell provided a more effective argument on obesity and whose responsible for it than Radley Balko.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Grateful dead essays
Grateful dead essays It's been seven years since Jerry Garcia's guitar fell silent, but the humanity he kept on the road for more than 30 years is very much alive. The remaining members of the grateful dead have finally decided to renuite and go on tour one more time. Bob Weir, Phil Lesh, Mickey Hart and Bill Kreutzman will take the road under the name "the other ones" hoping to bring back the spirt in the millions of "dead heads" all over the world. Standing in for Garcia on guitar will be Jimmy Herring, a veteran of tours with the Allman Brothers and Dead-related side projects, whose guitar is eerily evocative of Garcia's but still very unique. They will begin there tour on November 13, in Roanoke virgina and the Roanoke civic center and will conclude on December 2nd in Rosemont Illinois at the Allstate arena. But don't you worry they will be making a stop here in detroit at the Palace of Auburn Hills on November 30. Tickets are not yet on sale but should be within the next few weeks. This all began at the Terripin Station Renunion show in honor of Jerry Garcia.Grateful Dead headed to the Alpine Valley Music Theatre for two days of jamming August 3-4. The band just had so much fun they couldn't help but want to play more. There were 35,000 tickets sold for each day of the two-day event. It was considered a very successful concert event, noting only 11 arrests and 60 citations, mainly for drugs. Extra deputies were assigned to work throughout the weekend fearing that over 200,000 of loyal deadhead would show up. ...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Vocabulary Tips On the One Hand, On the Other Hand
Vocabulary Tips On the One Hand, On the Other Hand Vocabulary Tips: On the One Hand, On the Other Hand The phrase â€Å"on the one hand†¦ on the other hand†is common in English. But what exactly does it mean? And whose hands are we talking about? Well, if you take our (metaphorical) hand, we’ll be happy to walk you through how to use this phrase correctly in your writing. What Does â€Å"On the One Hand, On the Other Hand†Mean? We use â€Å"on the one hand†and â€Å"on the other hand†to present opposed ideas or points of view: On the one hand, I would like to go to the party. On the other hand, I should get an early night. Here, for example, we can see how â€Å"on the one hand†introduces one possibility (i.e., going to a party), while â€Å"on the other hand†introduces a contrasting possibility (i.e., an early night). The phrase therefore works as a conjunctive adverb, which is an adverb that connects two ideas. And as for whose hands we’re talking about here, the phrase draws on the simple idea of offering someone one choice in your left hand and a different choice in your right hand. Can You Use â€Å"On the Other Hand†by Itself? One point of controversy is whether we should always use â€Å"on the one hand†and â€Å"on the other hand†as a pair. In practice, many people use â€Å"on the other hand†by itself to introduce a contrasting idea. For example, we could rephrase the example above as follows: I would like to go to the party. On the other hand, I should get an early night. â€Å"On the other hand†here has exactly the same meaning as it does above. The only difference is that the first â€Å"hand†is implicit rather than explicit. And most English speakers will understand this without any problems. As such, it is fine to use â€Å"on the other hand†by itself in many contexts. However, some consider using â€Å"on the other hand†by itself informal. As such, you may want to avoid this in formal writing, such as academic papers or business documents. In addition, if you do use â€Å"on the one hand†and â€Å"on the other hand†as a pair, try to keep them close together. This is so the reader can see the connection between the two. It could be within a single sentence, or it could be in successive paragraphs. But if there are several paragraphs or pages between the â€Å"one hand†and the â€Å"other hand,†the connection may be hard to spot.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Contract Law Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Contract Law - Article Example However, in February 2001 Junior Aids forget to send a representative to one of the major retailers during one 2 week period and miss a small order from that company. Infasuck, who have been looking for an opportunity to replace Junior Aids, immediately repudiate the agreement and claim damages: In order to be able to assess Junior Aids Legal Position it is necessary to examine the ways in which a contract can be repudiated. The starting point in this type of situation is to examine the terms of the contract to determine whether there has been a breach. This will enable a conclusion to be drawn as to the rights of the parties in terms of repudiation of the contract. In law either party might be entitled to repudiate the contract. In this particular situation Infasuck Ltd might be entitled to repudiate the contract because the other party has not adhered to a clause in the contract. In order to decide whether repudiation is likely to be authorised by the court it is necessary to examine the content of the contract to determine whether the clause amounts to a condition. In this particular situation it is obvious that Clause 6 amounts to a condition as the agreement is that Junior Aids will visit the groups at least once a week. ... As a result of this lateness the plaintiff failed to attend rehearsals which were viewed as a lesser part of the contract. The court held that there had been a breach of the warranty to attend the rehearsals but that the defendant was only entitled to compensation for this loss and was not entitled to repudiate the contract. In some cases the court will not allow the parties to repudiate if a substantial part of the contract has been performed before the breach occurred. This was the case in Hong Kong Fir Shipping2 where the court found that as a substantial part of the contract had been completed the plaintiff was only entitled to claim compensation for loss of profit and earnings whilst the vessel could not be used. In these cases the court held that there had been a breach of warranty but not a breach of a condition in the contract. By contrast in the case of Poussard v Spiers3 the court reached the conclusion that there had been a breach of a condition inserted within the contract. The court stated in this case that the plaintiff was entitled to repudiate the contract on the grounds of the breach as the breach rendered the contract void. In general terms the person seeking to repudiate a contract must do so as soon as the breach becomes apparent. In the situation above Infasuck Ltd knew of the breach some time before hand, but had allowed the contract to continue and had amended the terms of the contract. The court might hold in such a case that by doing so Infasuck Ltd had affirmed the contract, in which case the court may decide that they are not entitled to repudiate the contract. In Hayes (t/a Orchard Construction) v Gallant[2008]4 the court had to determine whether there had been an
Friday, November 1, 2019
Professional Skills Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 1
Professional Skills - Assignment Example ..13 Word Count: 2562 Introduction Each and every person present in this world has some special interests and he sets up his targets and objectives according to those interests. These interests and objectives then dictate the selection of educational career and thus the whole life of the individual is based upon those objectives and interests. Selecting the right education is the first step towards achieving those goals and objectives; the next step is to devise a strategy through which one can utilize his abilities and education for reaching the set targets. A good strategy is very much necessary for utilizing one’s abilities and education because for better performance an environment in which a person can work independently without any external pressures, is very important. I want to work on the same lines; I first identified my targets in life, then selected an HE course for achieving those targets and during my educational career, I believe in developing certain profession al skills and attitude essential for excelling in life. Selecting a computing course related to information security was my choice because studying an innovative subject which could help me in starting a career in computing technologies was a better option. I plan to gain some professional experience during the starting years of my career by working in any established business and then after gaining certain essential expertise, the next objective will be to establish a business of my own, a consultancy providing solutions in information security. For achieving these targets, technical and professional development is essential because technical knowledge will help me in carrying out different projects whereas a professional attitude is essential while working in a team, particularly for leading a team of individuals (Cottrell, 2010). Currently I am good at researching and learning through various resources, however I have also identified various areas in which I need to improve if I have to achieve the targets I have set for myself. Because of the fact that English is not my first language, I have to face a lot of difficulties in oral communication and effective communication is vital for excelling professionally because a person has to convey his ideas effectively in order to convince people around him. Another important area in which I need to improve is leadership and working in teams. Because of the problems faced in communication I cannot work very well in teams despite knowing my role in the team and having all the expertise and skills required to fulfill that role. Another major concern is my leadership abilities which currently I do not possess but I need to develop leadership qualities if I have to establish a business of my own. Education and Professional Development The HE program I have selected i.e. Information Security in Computing Pathways is the best suited program for achieving the targets I have set for myself. While selecting this program I c onsidered my interests first. Being fascinated by the technological advancements
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Say Yes by Tobias Wolff analyze Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Say Yes by Tobias Wolff analyze - Essay Example When everybody congratulates Ann for having such a loving and caring husband, she is a bit unresponsive to them. When she put forward a question to which she already know the answer, the way in which he replies disturbs her. The story begins at dusk, a transition from light to dark, from white to black, from good to evil etc. The conversation is based on the discussion about interracial marriage. Ann’s husband is helping her to wash the dishes. She intentionally plunges into such a situation by asking him a question.†I am black, but still me, and we fall in love. Will you marry me? . Ann expects a confirmation from her husband while asking the question. But instead of using any emotional elements, he logically states the matter.†With all things considered it is a bad idea.†He seems to know more about African American culture. He doesn’t want to act against his cultural beliefs by marrying a white woman. It is to be noted that his love has a racial u ndertone in it. But the facts he loves his wife dearly. He is considerate in all deeds. But for Ann if there is love nothing will be an obstacle on the way to marriage. But for Ann’s Husband instead of being an endearing and thoughtful person, he gives prominence to culture and race. He says that because of the cultural difference they will fail to understand each other. The different symbols used by Tobias are so powerful that we should think that he is a racist. Ann believes so. But he wants to reject that statement before his wife and tries to convince her saying â€Å"I went to school with black. And lived on the same street with black and we have often gotten long just fine†, â€Å"they have their own language †¦Ã¢â‚¬ I like them talk...†. When the verbal battle was strong Ann do her duty without much care. Her husband again puts the vessels into the silver ware. Tobias writes about it â€Å"The water had gone a flat gray†. Wolfs again makes t hink that the husband can see the world only in two colors, black and white. The writer conveys indirectly that the husband is indifferent to African – Americans. Tobias mentions about a drop of blood that fell in the silver ware when Ann plunges her hand into that and cuts her finger. The drop of blood stands as a powerful symbol and reminds the readers that the race cannot be detected from that drop. A secure understanding of each other is a must for a powerful married life. From the beginning onward the readers know that there is no such deep relation between the husband the wife. Sometimes we think that the actions of the husband toward his wife are not because of such a well-built relation but because of compassion. He rushes to upstairs to take a band aid for her and is willing to do the rest of the house hold duties. But she never takes that into account that and still cling on to the same matter of dispute. But every time the husband tries to describe his absolute lov e for her by reflecting about the past years they spend happily. When he says he â€Å"knows†her, his throat tightened and could hardly breathe. These show the contrast between his beliefs about culture and race and his humanity. Towards the ending of the story Tobias consciously uses dark night to set the problem. The husband has no other means except giving her confirmation to her repeated question. The reason is obvious. They do not know each other. It takes the husband until the end of the story to
Monday, October 28, 2019
Are Leaders Born or Made Essay Example for Free
Are Leaders Born or Made Essay People have debated whether leaders are born or made for centuries. However, I am absolutely convinced that good leaders are made than born. If you have the desire and willpower, you can become an effective leader. â€Å"Good leaders can develop through a never ending process of self-study, education, training and experience†(Jago, 1982). To inspire workers into higher levels of teamwork, there are certain things a leader must be, know, and, do. These do not come naturally, but are acquired through continual work and study. Good leaders are continually working and studying to improve their leadership skills; they are NOT resting on their laurels. Definition of Leadership Before we get started, let’s define and understand about leadership. Leadership is a process by which a person influences others to accomplish an objective and directs the organization in a way that makes it more cohesive and coherent. Leaders carry out this process by applying their leadership attributes, such as beliefs, values, ethics, character, knowledge, and skills. In the field of organizational learning, leadership entered the discussion as a proxy for the organization. Initial concepts of leadership in organizational learning were based on the notion of the dominant coalition. Organizational learning theorists had suggested that the senior management team, or dominant coalition, was in fact the organization level of organizational learning. Moreover, leadership has been described as the â€Å"process of social influence in which one person enlist the aid and support of others in the accomplishment of a common task. According to Ken â€Å"SKC†Ogbonnia, â€Å"effective leadership is the ability to successfully integrate and maximize available resources within the internal and external environment for the attainment of organizational or society goal. Charismatic Leaders are made but not born. However, there are many well-educated and motivated people who lack of the knowledge to lead others. So they don’t assume leadership positions, or if they do, they don’t do very well in them. Thus, to become a made leader, we need to know about the characteristic of a leader for us to learn and explore from there. Having charisma is an important quality to any successful leader, that’s all highly successful people must develop to maximize their success in leadership roles, as well as use it to gain a great advantage over their competition. Charisma can be explained as an indefinable personal magnetism that helps draw people to you, and makes them want to cooperate and work with you to accomplish your dreams. To increase your own level of charisma, you must first be confidence in your own vision. If you have a clear vision of what you want to accomplish, then you need to focus on setting goal for yourself, and make plan to achieve them without delay. The clearer you are about your purpose, and how you are planning to achieve it, will naturally to attract others to help and support you in any way they can. However, some say charismatic is born but not made. Yes, it’s. But without the born charisma, you can also increase the level of you charisma by talking and interaction with other, certain interactions and rewards increase starting relationships, such as a Celebrity using a Charming Introduction will instantly have a new friend. Charisma skill-building requires friends and relationships to progress. Personality and Physical Build Besides, the personality is also an important element to become a made leader, great leaders must have the ability to project themselves, to communicate with subordinates in order to accomplish a task by teamwork. The dictionary definition of personality is the collection of emotional and behavioural traits that characterize a person. That is, your personality is how you present yourself to the world. It is how others see you. Is that important for leadership effectiveness? I think so. Your public persona is the catalyst for enrolling followers. For example, you might be typically dominant, or perhaps you’re always a friendly person, or even someone who takes very few risks. These examples are personality traits. You may also simply improve your personality by your appearance such as dress up and make up well as the appearance oneself always the first impression they given to other. Aside of personality, physical build is also a trait of characteristic for being a leader, this can be made and improved by one self. For example, the children now are mostly taller and stronger than their parents because of the better knowledegement care. Talent, skills and knowledge Beyond the personal traits of a leader, leadership talent, skills and knowledge someone must master if they want to be a leader. Leadership talent is those innate traits that a person is born with but which they need to work on to develop their potentiality, Leadership skills are learned behaviours that a person practices and hones over time. And leadership knowledge is acquired learning about the methods, strategies, successes and failures of other leaders in business and in different walks of life. The traits include intelligence, creativity, diplomacy, persuasiveness, and organizational ability. The difference of the three is an intrinsic character of the leader and the latter two are learned. And an effective leader combines all three: harnessing mixture of their natural characteristic, their learned replicable behaviors, and their mental data and learning into their own unique way to expressing themselves as a leader. Knowing well of the managerial function Besides, knowing well of the managerial function is also a must for a made leader. From day-to-day operating, they should be able to learn about planning, organizing, staffing, directing and controlling in order to lead their subordinates in an effective way. Planning refers to anticipate the opportunity, problems and conditions and choosing from among the alternative of future courses or actions. That includes forecasting, programming, scheduling and etc. The organization functions consist of developing the organization, delegating authority and establishing relations. Staffing is about planning the organization with suitable personnel constitutes the staffing function. Direction function involves managing people and work through the means of motivation, proper leadership, effective communication and coordination. Controlling function enables management to ensure the achievement is in accordance with the established plans. Communication skill Moreover, to be a made leader, we should train ourselves to make effective communication thru experience. The communication skill can definitely be improved if you have the desire to do it, a smart leader must always the â€Å"30 seconds message†which transmitting the most important message within the shortest time. Effective communication is more than just being able to speak and write. A leader’s communication must move people to work toward the goal the leader has chosen. Besides that, a leader has to be able to motivate everyone to contribute. Each of us have different â€Å"button†, a great leader should knows how to push to right button on everyone to make them really want to do their best to achieve the leader’s goal. This is definitely not born because leader could press the right buttons on everyone through understanding their personality. Honesty and Integrity, Forward looking, Independence and Innovation. In addition, the characteristic of a leader is also consisted by honesty and integrity, forward looking, independence and innovation. Once should not even be considered to become a leader without having demonstrated the honesty, integrity and trustworthiness to have and maintain a position of public trust. At all levels, individuals with integrity and honesty show moral courage by doing the right thing even when it is not popular or by expressing dissent when actions or pending decisions would violate organizational and/or constitutional values, laws, and regulations. In addition, they confront unethical behavior in others. Furthermore, the honestly and integrity is about following rules and regulation, this is made as we have no choice but have to follow the rules and regulation of the organization. As a great leader, we always need to be forward-looking toward any issue or problem. When people do not consider their leader forward-looking, that leader is usually suffering from one of two possible problems which are the leader doesn’t have a forward-looking vision and the leader is unwilling or scared to share the vision with others. The forward-looking attitude can be influenced by those people who are surrounding us with positive-minded, this can be made but not born. Last but not least, a great leader is also an innovator. Innovation is about making new tools, products and process, bring forth something â€Å"new†which allows human being to accomplish something they were not able to accomplish previously. We can be innovation through study, research, discuss and deliberated from past experience. Leaders must be tough enough to fight, tender enough to cry, human enough to make mistakes, humble enough to admit them, strong enough to absorb the pain, and resilient enough to bounce back and keep on moving. Leaders must be tough enough to fight, tender enough to cry, human enough to make mistakes, humble enough to admit them, strong enough to absorb the pain, and resilient enough to bounce back and keep on moving. Leader is made because a person becomes a leader through life and work experiences, through mentors and personal reflection. Leader takes time to develop and they were made just like anything else, through hard work. If you are given a chance, you practice, you can also be a leader.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Abraham Lincoln :: essays research papers
Abraham Lincoln: a true American that made the United States a more unified nation, and a more peaceful place to be. Lincoln was a man of great wisdom and determination, and these traits are what made him into one of the greatest peacemakers of the time. Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation, a reconstruction plan, helped in ending the horrible Civil War, and many other great things in which made him such a remembered peacemaker. Â Â Â Â Â Lincoln brought peace to the slaves of the South by issuing one of his most famous documents: the Emancipation Proclamation. This document helped save the slaves everywhere in the United States. This is one of many things that Lincoln did, and maybe one of the most important. The Emancipation Proclamation was issued on January 1, 1863. It said, “Slaves within any state, or designated part of a state…then…in rebellion, …shall be then, thenceforward, and forever free.'; This proclamation was the main cause of creating the 13th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. This was important because now there was a bigger sense of peace between the slaves, and the people that once owned them. This proclamation plays a big part of the peace that we have among the different people of the world today. Â Â Â Â Â Lincoln also designed a plan known as the reconstruction. This construction plan would bring peace to the seceded states and Union, and would bring them back together in unity. This plan of reconstruction brought peace to the Confederacy and Union, because now the states that had once seceded from the Union now had a chance to get back in to be unified once again. Under this plan, Lincoln wanted to form 10 percent government. Under this plan, each individual state could form their own government. This brings peace to the individual state governments, because then these people got along better under their own laws, and didn’t have to worry about other people doing away with their setup. Reconstruction was a big part of unification for the United States, and formed a great deal of peace between the North and South.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Crime Scene Investigators research paper Essay
Crime Scene Investigators work with police to individuals or groups of people suspected of a committing a criminal act. They do their job by collecting evidence and data from the crime scene. They take these items and identify, classify, and analyze them. Sometimes called forensic science technicians, these investigators are extremely important during trials. They testify based on their findings to help the jury declare a person innocent or guilty. Crime Scene Investigators will usually have a degree in Criminal Justice with a background in science. Some small, rural areas may hire someone with a simple high school diploma or a GED. Investigators require on the job training through an apprenticeship. This puts them with seasoned veterans to learn proper methodology and procedures to follow when examining a crime scene and processing the evidence collected. If criminal investigators work in a crime lab, they have to have DNA-analysis training which could take anywhere from six to twelve months to complete. Crime Scene Investigators also need Firearm Analysis training, which can take up to three months to complete. The employment rate of Crime Scene Investigators is expected to grow by 19 percent through 2020. The average annual salary for Crime Scene Investigators in 2010 was $51,570. Of course, this was based on the degree, experience, and the location of the area that needed a Crime Scene Investigator. How a crime scene investigation works is there will be quite a few people from various offices from various locations at the crime scene. The police are usually the first to get to the crime scene. They will sometimes make an arrest on the spot if the person responsible for the crime is still at the scene of the crime or the cop might need to call an ambulance. They have a great responsibility to maintain a secure crime scene. The CSI unit will be at the crime scene gathering information and documenting the crime scene. The district attorney could also be there to see if the investigators need to get search warrants or not. If there is a death involved in the crime, the Medical Examiner will be called in. There could also be other forensic scientists called to the crime scene if their expertise is needed. Detectives will be there working with the CSI unit. They will also interview witnesses and try to determine what might have taken place and what caused it. The first thing to happen when the CSI unit arrives at the crime scene is they perform a walk through of the crime scene. They will try to find out if anything has been moved or removed from the crime scene. They will take pictures, draw sketches, and document everything at the crime scene. Next, they comb the crime scene collecting, tagging, and packaging evidence. These items will be taken to the crime lab to be examined. The results of the tests performed will be sent to the investigator in charge of the case. Joe Clayton works as a Laboratory Agent and primary scene responder for the Colorado Bureau of Investigation. He says, â€Å"I may be involved in actual bench work once the evidence from the crime scene is submitted to the lab.†This is because he has a background in different areas from blood splatter to â€Å"questioned†documents. According to an article in the Crime Scene Journal website, author Michael F. LaForte speaks of the unstable economy and the budget cuts. This affects law enforcement agencies as well. Funding is cut, people are laid off, salaries are cut, and hiring is frozen. There are still options for crime scene training. Someone could pay to have their training done through various courses offered through colleges. The other option would be to train yourself. This option would be cheaper. He gave the example of burglary and robbery investigations. He went along and learned abou the types of powders to use when finger printing from different objects. The hands-on experience was great for him. If you are already in law enforcement, there are other training sources available through the National Forensic Academy. There are also books and other training options available.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Second Foundation 15. Through the Grid
TRANTOR By the middle of the Interregnum, Trantor was a shadow. In the midst of the colossal ruins, there lived a small community of farmers†¦ Encyclopedia Galactica There is nothing, never has been anything, quite like a busy spaceport on the outskirts of a capital city of a populous planet. There are the huge machines resting mightily in their cradles. If you choose your time properly, there is the impressive sight of the sinking giant dropping to rest or, more hair-raising still, the swiftening departure of a bubble of steel. All processes involved are nearly noiseless. The motive power is the silent surge of nucleons shifting into more compact arrangements In terms of area, ninety-five percent of the port has just been referred to. Square miles are reserved for the machines, and for the men who serve them and for the calculators that serve both. Only five percent of the port is given over to the floods of humanity to whom it is the way station to all the stars of the Galaxy. It is certain that very few of the anonymous many-headed stop to consider the technological mesh that knits the spaceways. Perhaps some of them might itch occasionally at the thought of the thousands of tons represented by the sinking steel that looks so small off in the distance. One of those cyclopean cylinders could, conceivably, miss the guiding beam and crash half a mile from its expected landing point – through the glassite roof of the immense waiting room perhaps – so that only a thin organic vapor and some powdered phosphates would be left behind to mark the passing of a thousand men. It could never happen, however, with the safety devices in use; and only the badly neurotic would consider the possibility for more than a moment. Then what do they think about? It is not just a crowd, you see. It is a crowd with a purpose. That purpose hovers over the field and thickens the atmosphere. Lines queue up; parents herd their children; baggage is maneuvered in precise masses – people are going somewheres. Consider then the complete psychic isolation of a single unit of this terribly intent mob that does not know where to go; yet at the same time feels more intensely than any of the others possibly can, the necessity of going somewheres; anywhere! Or almost anywhere! Even lacking telepathy or any of the crudely definite methods of mind touching mind, there is a sufficient clash in atmosphere, in intangible mood, to suffice for despair. To suffice? To overflow, and drench, and drown. Arcadia Darell, dressed in borrowed clothes, standing on a borrowed planet in a borrowed situation of what seemed even to be a borrowed life, wanted earnestly the safety of the womb. She didn't know that was what she wanted. She only knew that the very openness of the open world was a great danger. She wanted a closed spot somewhere – somewhere far – somewhere in an unexplored nook of the universe – where no one would ever look. And there she was, age fourteen plus, weary enough for eighty plus, frightened enough for five minus. What stranger of the hundreds that brushed past her – actually brushed past her, so that she could feel their touch – was a Second Foundationer? What stranger could not help but instantly destroy her for her guilty knowledge – her unique knowledge – of knowing where the Second Foundation was? And the voice that cut in on her was a thunderclap that iced the scream in her throat into a voiceless slash. â€Å"Look, miss,†it said, irritably, â€Å"are you using the ticket machine or are you just standing there?†It was the first she realized that she was standing in front of a ticket machine. You put a high denomination bill into the clipper which sank out of sight. You pressed the button below your destination and a ticket came out together with the correct change as determined by an electronic scanning device that never made a mistake. It was a very ordinary thing and there is no cause for anyone to stand before it for five minutes. Arcadia plunged a two-hundred credit into the clipper, and was suddenly aware of the button labeled â€Å"Trantor.†Trantor, dead capital of the dead Empire – the planet on which she was born. She pressed it in a dream. Nothing happened, except that the red letters flicked on and off, reading 172.18- 172.18- 172.18- It was the amount she was short. Another two-hundred credit. The ticket was spit out towards her. It came loose when she touched it, and the change tumbled out afterward. She seized it and ran. She felt the man behind her pressing close, anxious for his own chance at the machine, but she twisted out from before him and did not look behind. Yet there was nowhere to run. They were all her enemies. Without quite realizing it, she was watching the gigantic, glowing signs that puffed into the air: Steffani, Anacreon, Fermus- There was even one that ballooned, Terminus, and she longed for it, but did not dare- For a trifling sum, she could have hired a notifier which could have been set for any destination she cared and which would, when placed in her purse, make itself heard only to her, fifteen minutes before take-off time. But such devices are for people who are reasonably secure, however; who can pause to think of them. And then, attempting to look both ways simultaneously, she ran head-on into a soft abdomen. She felt the startled outbreath and grunt, and a hand come down on her arm. She writhed desperately but lacked breath to do more than mew a bit in the back of her throat. Her captor held her firmly and waited. Slowly, he came into focus for her and she managed to look at him. He was rather plump and rather short. His hair was white and copious, being brushed back to give a pompadour effect that looked strangely incongruous above a round and ruddy face that shrieked its peasant origin. â€Å"What's the matter?†he said finally, with a frank and twinkling curiosity. â€Å"You look scared.†â€Å"Sorry,†muttered Arcadia in a frenzy. â€Å"I've got to go. Pardon me.†But he disregarded that entirely, and said, â€Å"Watch out, little girl. You'll drop your ticket.†And he lifted it from her resistless white fingers and looked at it with every evidence of satisfaction. â€Å"I thought so,†he said, and then bawled in bull-like tones, â€Å"Mommuh!†A woman was instantly at his side, somewhat more short, somewhat more round, somewhat more ruddy. She wound a finger about a stray gray lock to shove it beneath a well-outmoded hat. â€Å"Pappa,†she said, reprovingly, â€Å"why do you shout in a crowd like that? People look at you like you were crazy. Do you think you are on the farm?†And she smiled sunnily at the unresponsive Arcadia, and added, â€Å"He has manners like a bear.†Then, sharply, â€Å"Pappa, let go the little girl. What are you doing?†But Pappa simply waved the ticket at her. â€Å"Look,†he said, â€Å"she's going to Trantor.†Mamma's face was a sudden beam, â€Å"You're from Trantor? Let go her arm, I say, Pappa.†She turned the overstuffed valise she was carrying onto its side and forced Arcadia to sit down with a gentle but unrelenting pressure. â€Å"Sit down,†she said, â€Å"and rest your little feet. It will be no ship yet for an hour and the benches are crowded with sleeping loafers. You are from Trantor?†Arcadia drew a deep breath and gave in. Huskily, she said, â€Å"I was born there.†And Mamma clapped her hands gleefully, â€Å"One month we've been here and till now we met nobody from home. This is very nice. Your parents-†she looked about vaguely. â€Å"I'm not with my parents,†Arcadia said, carefully. â€Å"All alone? A little girl like you?†Mamma was at once a blend of indignation and sympathy, â€Å"How does that come to be?†â€Å"Mamma,†Pappa plucked at her sleeve, â€Å"let me tell you. There's something wrong. I think she's frightened.†His voice, though obviously intended for a whisper was quite plainly audible to Arcadia. â€Å"She was running – I was watching her – and not looking where she was going. Before I could step out of the way, she bumped into me. And you know what? I think she's in trouble.†â€Å"So shut your mouth, Pappa. Into you, anybody could bump.†But she joined Arcadia on the valise, which creaked wearily under the added weight and put an arm about the girl's trembling shoulder. â€Å"You're running away from somebody, sweetheart? Don't be afraid to tell me. III help you.†Arcadia looked across at the kind gray eyes of the woman and felt her lips quivering. One part of her brain was telling her that here were people from Trantor, with whom she could go, who could help her remain on that planet until she could decide what next to do, where next to go. And another part of her brain, much the louder, was telling her in jumbled incoherence that she did not remember her mother, that she was weary to death of fighting the universe, that she wanted only to curl into a little hall with strong, gentle arms about her, that if her mother had lived, she might†¦ she might- And for the first time that night, she was crying; crying like a little baby, and glad of it; clutching tightly at the old-fashioned dress and dampening a corner of it thoroughly, while soft arms held her closely and a gentle hand stroked her curls. Pappa stood helplessly looking at the pair, fumbling futilely for a handkerchief which, when produced, was snatched from his hand. Mamma glared an admonition of quietness at him. The crowds surged about the little group with the true indifference of disconnected crowds everywhere. They were effectively alone. Finally, the weeping trickled to a halt, and Arcadia smiled weakly as she dabbed at red eyes with the borrowed handkerchief. â€Å"Golly,†she whispered, â€Å"Shh. Shh. Don't talk,†said Mamma, fussily, â€Å"just sit and rest for a while. Catch your breath. Then tell us what's wrong, and you'll see, we'll fix it up, and everything will be all right.†Arcadia scrabbled what remained of her wits together. She could not tell them the truth. She could tell nobody the truth- And yet she was too worn to invent a useful lie. She said, whisperingly, â€Å"I'm better, now.†â€Å"Good,†said Mamma. â€Å"Now tell me why you're in trouble. You did nothing wrong? Of course, whatever you did, well help you; but tell us the truth.†â€Å"For a friend from Trantor, anything,†added Pappa, expansively, â€Å"eh, Mamma?†â€Å"Shut your mouth, Pappa,†was the response, without rancor. Arcadia was groping in her purse. That, at least, was still hers, despite the rapid clothes-changing forced upon her in Lady Callia's apartments. She found what she was looking for and handed it to Mamma. â€Å"These are my papers,†she said, diffidently. It was shiny, synthetic parchment which had been issued her by the Foundation's ambassador on the day of her arrival and which had been countersigned by the appropriate Kalganian official. It was large, florid, and impressive. Mamma looked at it helplessly, and passed it to Pappa who absorbed its contents with an impressive pursing of the lips. He said, â€Å"You're from the Foundation?†â€Å"Yes. But I was born in Trantor. See it says that-â€Å" â€Å"Ah-hah. It looks all right to me. You're named Arcadia, eh? That's a good Trantorian name. But where's your uncle? It says here you came in the company of Homir Munn, uncle.†â€Å"He's been arrested,†said Arcadia, drearily. â€Å"Arrested!†– from the two of them at once. â€Å"What for?†asked Mamma. â€Å"He did something?†She shook her head. â€Å"I don't know. We were just on a visit. Uncle Homir had business with Lord Stettin but-†She needed no effort to act a shudder. It was there. Pappa was impressed. â€Å"With Lord Stettin. Mm-m-m, your uncle must be a big man.†â€Å"I don't know what it was all about, but Lord Stettin wanted me to stay-†She was recalling the last words of Lady Callia, which had been acted out for her benefit. Since Callia, as she now knew, was an expert, the story could do for a second time. She paused, and Mamma said interestedly, â€Å"And why you?†â€Å"I'm not sure. He†¦ he wanted to have dinner with me all alone, but I said no, because I wanted Uncle Homir along. He looked at me funny and kept holding my shoulder.†Pappa's mouth was a little open, but Mamma was suddenly red and angry. â€Å"How old are you, Arcadia?†â€Å"Fourteen and a half, almost.†Mamma drew a sharp breath and said, â€Å"That such people should be let live. The dogs in the streets are better. You're running from him, dear, is not?†Arcadia nodded. Mamma said, â€Å"Pappa, go right to Information and find out exactly when the ship to Trantor comes to berth. Hurry!†But Pappa took one step and stopped. Loud metallic words were booming overhead, and five thousand pairs of eyes looked startledly upwards. â€Å"Men and women,†it said, with sharp force. â€Å"The airport is being searched for a dangerous fugitive, and it is now surrounded. No one can enter and no one can leave. The search will, however, be conducted with great speed and no ships will reach or leave berth during the interval, so you will not miss your ship. I repeat, no one will miss his ship. The grid will descend. None of you will move outside your square until the grid is removed, as otherwise we will be forced to use our neuronic whips.†During the minute or less in which the voice dominated the vast dome of the spaceport's waiting room, Arcadia could not have moved if all the evil in the Galaxy had concentrated itself into a ball and hurled itself at her. They could mean only her. It was not even necessary to formulate that idea as a specific thought. But why- Callia had engineered her escape. And Callia was of the Second Foundation. Why, then, the search now? Had Callia failed? Could Callia fail? Or was this part of the plan, the intricacies of which escaped her? For a vertiginous moment, she wanted to jump up and shout that she gave up, that she would go with them, that†¦ that- But Mamma's hand was on her wrist. â€Å"Quick! Quick! Well go to the lady's room before they start.†Arcadia did not understand. She merely followed blindly. They oozed through the crowd, frozen as it was into clumps, with the voice still booming through its last words. The grid was descending now, and Pappa, openmouthed, watched it come down. He had heard of it and read of it, but had never actually been the object of it. It glimmered in the air, simply a series of cross-hatched and tight radiation-beams that set the air aglow in a harmless network of flashing light. It always was so arranged as to descend slowly from above in order that it might represent a falling net with all the terrific psychological implications of entrapment. It was at waist-level now, ten feet between glowing lines in each direction. In his own hundred square feet, Pappa found himself alone, yet the adjoining squares were crowded. He felt himself conspicuously isolated but knew that to move into the greater anonymity of a group would have meant crossing one of those glowing lines, stirring an alarm, and bringing down the neuronic whip. He waited. He could make out over the heads of the eerily quiet and waiting mob, the far-off stir that was the line of policemen covering the vast floor area, lighted square by lighted square. It was a long time before a uniform stepped into his square and carefully noted its co-ordinates into an official notebook. â€Å"Papers!†Pappa handed them over, and they were flipped through in expert fashion. â€Å"You're Preem Palver, native of Trantor, on Kalgan for a month, returning to Trantor. Answer, yes or no.†â€Å"Yes, yes.†â€Å"What's your business on Kalgan?†â€Å"I'm trading representative of our farm co-operative. I've been negotiating terms with the Department of Agriculture on Kalgan. â€Å"Um-m-m. Your wife is with you? Where is she? She is mentioned in your papers.†â€Å"Please. My wife is in the-†He pointed. â€Å"Hanto,†roared the policeman. Another uniform joined him. The first one said, dryly, â€Å"Another dame in the can, by the Galaxy. The place must be busting with them. Write down her name.†He indicated the entry in the papers which gave it. â€Å"Anyone else with you?†â€Å"My niece.†â€Å"She's not mentioned in the papers.†â€Å"She came separately.†â€Å"Where is she? Never mind, I know. Write down the niece's name, too, Hanto. What's her name? Write down Arcadia Palver. You stay right here, Palver. We'll take care of the women before we leave.†Pappa waited interminably. And then, long, long after, Mamma was marching toward him, Arcadia's hand firmly in hers, the two policemen trailing behind her. They entered Pappa's square, and one said, â€Å"Is this noisy old woman your wife?†â€Å"Yes, sir,†said Pappa, placatingly. â€Å"Then you'd better tell her she's liable to get into trouble if she talks the way she does to the First Citizen's police.†He straightened his shoulders angrily. â€Å"Is this your niece?†â€Å"Yes, sir.†â€Å"I want her papers.†Looking straight at her husband, Mamma slightly, but no less firmly, shook her head. A short pause, and Pappa said with a weak smile, â€Å"I don't think I can do that.†â€Å"What do you mean you can't do that?†The policeman thrust out a hard palm. â€Å"Hand it over.†â€Å"Diplomatic immunity,†said Pappa, softly. â€Å"What do you mean?†â€Å"I said I was trading representative of my farm co-operative. I'm accredited to the Kalganian government as an official foreign representative and my papers prove it. I showed them to you and now I don't want to be bothered any more.†For a moment, the policeman was taken aback. â€Å"I got to see your papers. It's orders.†â€Å"You go away,†broke in Mamma, suddenly. â€Å"When we want you, we'll send for you, you†¦ you bum.†The policeman's lips tightened. â€Å"Keep your eye on them, Hanto. I'll get the lieutenant.†â€Å"Break a leg!†called Mamma after him. Someone laughed, and then choked it off suddenly. The search was approaching its end. The crowd was growing dangerously restless. Forty-five minutes had elapsed since the grid had started falling and that is too long for best effects. Lieutenant Dirige threaded his way hastily, therefore, toward the dense center of the mob. â€Å"Is this the girl?†he asked wearily. He looked at her and she obviously fitted the description. All this for a child. He said, â€Å"Her papers, if you please?†Pappa began, â€Å"I have already explained-â€Å" â€Å"I know what you have explained, and I'm sorry,†said the lieutenant, â€Å"but I have my orders, and I can't help them. If you care to make a protest later, you may. Meanwhile, if necessary, I must use force.†There was a pause, and the lieutenant waited patiently. Then Pappa said, huskily, â€Å"Give me your papers, Arcadia.†Arcadia shook her head in panic, but Pappa nodded his head. â€Å"Don't be afraid. Give them to me.†Helplessly she reached out and let the documents change hands. Pappa fumbled them open and looked carefully through them, then handed them over. The lieutenant in his turn looked through them carefully. For a long moment, he raised his eyes to rest them on Arcadia, and then he closed the booklet with a sharp snap. â€Å"All in order,†he said. â€Å"All right, men.†He left, and in two minutes, scarcely more, the grid was gone, and the voice above signified a back-to-normal. The noise of the crowd, suddenly released, rose high. Arcadia said: â€Å"How†¦ how-â€Å" Pappa said, â€Å"Sh-h. Don't say a word. Let's better go to the ship. It should be in the berth soon.†They were on the ship. They had a private stateroom and a table to themselves in the dining room. Two light-years already separated them from Kalgan, and Arcadia finally dared to broach the subject again. She said, â€Å"But they were after me, Mr. Palver, and they must have had my description and all the details. Why did he let me go?†And Pappa smiled broadly over his roast beef. â€Å"Well, Arcadia, child, it was easy. When you've been dealing with agents and buyers and competing co-operatives, you learn some of the tricks. I've had twenty years or more to learn them in. You see, child, when the lieutenant opened your papers, he found a five hundred credit bill inside, folded up small. Simple, no?†â€Å"I'll pay you back- Honest, I've got lots of money.†â€Å"Well,†Pappa's broad face broke into an embarrassed smile, as he waved it away. â€Å"For a country-woman-â€Å" Arcadia desisted. â€Å"But what if he'd taken the money and turned me in anyway. And accused me of bribery.†â€Å"And give up five hundred credits? I know these people better than you do, girl.†But Arcadia knew that he did not know people better. Not these people. In her bed that night, she considered carefully, and knew that no bribe would have stopped a police lieutenant in the matter of catching her unless that had been planned. They didn't want to catch her, yet had made every motion of doing so, nevertheless. Why? To make sure she left? And for Trantor? Were the obtuse and soft-hearted couple she was with now only a pair of tools in the hands of the Second Foundation, as helpless as she herself? They must be! Or were they? It was all so useless. How could she fight them. Whatever she did, it might only be what those terrible omnipotents wanted her to do. Yet she had to outwit them. Had to. Had to! Had to!!
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